After over 6 weeks of interviewing for a business development position at a huge company, I finally got the job! Launch date is September 10. I'm excited and a little scared, too. I haven't worked full time since my kids were little. For over 25 years, I had a semi-successful career as a CPA. It was rewarding but mostly frustrating because it really didn't fit my personality type. I am outgoing, spontaneous, risk-taking and a bit outrageous, how many CPAs fit that profile?!
I say semi-successful, because it was never my goal to be the best CPA I could be. I was raising my sons as a single mom, with a lot of help from my parents, and that was the focus of my life. The work I did was sooooo boring but I did it so I could afford to raise my kids, and I'm grateful for that but I've been searching high and low for what to do next in my life apres kids.
I reinvented myself and completely changed my life. I fell in love, got engaged and disengaged, moved to Boston and back, traveled numerous times back and forth from Los Angeles, Boston, Paris and even started a tour business, Find Yourself In France. Heck, I even took courses on making chocolates and became a chocolatiere in my spare time. Its surprising that the career I found actually builds upon my years of consulting experience with businesses and something I've been doing all along. What I loved best about my career as a CPA was helping clients solve problems. I dreamt of doing this full time, if I could have only found a way to get paid without actually doing accounting! Well, I can! Its called Business Development. I never even heard the term before it literally fell in my lap.
I don't start for 5 weeks and I want to use this time to prepare myself for the challenges and fulfillment coming my way. From watching what I eat and drink to moving my body more, I want to increase my energy so I have plenty of resources to draw from. I joined the yoga studio next door to my new office and already started doing yoga again. I'm buying myself a present to celebrate; a brand new cruising bicycle for weekends at the beach. I'm clearing out closets and stuff that I've accumulated to make room for space and serenity. And taking care of nagging details that I have left undone. Its a great feeling to get my life in order and realize that having it all doesn't mean having it all at the same time.
France will always be my passion and I will continue to design custom trips to Paris and I'm still keeping my eye on that Paris office with a view of the Opera.