Monday, January 6, 2014

Power of Vision Boards

 A vision board is a visual representation of our dreams and what we want to create in our lives, usually done around the winter solstice or New Year when we are thinking about the new energy.   Sometimes its difficult to articulate what we want more of in our life so by going through your favorite magazines and cutting out pictures and words that make you feel good, you discover your longings.   

When I first started doing vision boards, I had mostly pictures of material things I wanted, like a new car, a house, jewelry, and money.  I found a picture of a Lexus and within days my client bought herself a new Porsche and she asked me if I wanted to buy her Lexus!   I loved my Lexus and it came from one of my favorite clients and friend, Barbara Brown.   I also got the house, the jewels and my revenue doubled.   There is no guilt to be felt for wanting bling or a new car, having these desires is part of the process.

As I got the things I craved, my vision boards took on a more spiritual quality.  I really wanted more peace of mind, love and connection.  Within days of creating the boards above, a yoga teacher came to me and together we worked together privately doing yoga in her studio, it was one of the most powerful times in my life when my energy and peace were at the highest level.  I began collaborating with a great group of women like my dear friend Ana Irustre- Montes and Womens Economic Ventures.  Helping others achieve their success came out of those visions and I created Money Chi, a coaching program to help people with their relationship around money and prosperity.   I went on to teach hundreds of entrepreneurs to live successful, balanced lives.   

As my children grew up I focused more on my own dreams, finding my purpose in life and following my passion.  France became a huge part of my vision, as I reconnected to my life long dream of living in France and manifested a life living part time between my beloved France and California and founded Find Yourself in France, a travel / retreat business to connect women to more of their dreams,desires, sensuality and femininity in France. 

During our session last weekend at the Vision Board Soiree at Gina Gipper-Woods store,( 25th of Remembrance, the home of Owie Bow Wowie), we had so much fun creating together, drinking wine and enjoying decadent dark chocolate truffles, made by moi.  We were learning and supporting each other and our dreams and we began to cut things out for each other!  One lady handed over a picture of a sexy man and said to another, here is a picture your man! Well guess what, she manifested him the very next day!      

What are your dreams?  Start by pouring yourself a glass of wine, put on some soothing music, light a candle and get out scissors and favorite magazines.  Cut out and collect whatever images and words your heart desires. No sensoring or judging allowed!   When you feel complete, start to collage your clippings on a poster board.  Get creative, use colored pens, glitter, drawings, put your energy into it!  You can do this by yourself or with a group of friends for lots of laughter and mutual vision holding. 

This is a powerful tool, because we are powerful women.  Step into your power!  Create your dreams NOW.  I'm here to support you ...and Find Your Self in France!

Leave me a message about your experience creating your vision board. I'd love to hear about it!!